Monday, October 22, 2018


I find myself in a Super Hero cape running around the house pretty often these days chasing my 2 and 4 year old boys who are, in turn,  running around as Super Heroes, Knights, Cowboys, Bandits, Lego Smugglers, Storm Troopers, or anything else that has caught their imagination that day.  And now October rolls around and you tell me there is only 1 day a year we are supposed to dress up? 

Well, I'll dress up for Halloween, and all the days inbetween.  
 I'll dress up to meet a real life cowboy somewhere in rural Virginia...
To get gas in NYC...
 To get coffee with a friend...
 For an afternoon Stroll with the family, 
 For Sunday Funday,
For Castle Building,
For Lawn Mowing, 
And Door Sitting.

-Dress Up and Go Out Bradley