Its the beginning of Goslings/IYAC Rain Gutter Regatta Racing season in Newport.
7 pm: All teams hover at the IYAC in Newport drinking beers while the judges gather to pass out the boat kits and list the rules for the Regatta. A lot of 'big talk' ensues...
7:27pm- Teams are given boat kits, and given rules: All boats must measure no more than 6.5" long by 3" wide. Hulls must be made of the wood supplied in the kits, and sail material may be made from anything. Teams have 1 hour to build. GO!

All competing boats lined up...yes, there is a Solo cup sail in there...but our red rig looks pretty, I was counting on my 'pep socks' for distracting the opposition.

As luck would have it, we took home the Gold. Goslings that is..wait, what happened to that bottle guys?
Thanks to the boys Ted, Wade and Bob on the team for making me look good, since the only thing I had down was pizza delivery and removing layers (in this case the life jacket) FAST. And Geoff, thanks for taking the pics to remind us where we were last night.
-Is it Wrong that I want a Gutter Race Table in my Backyard, Bradley?
Thanks to the boys Ted, Wade and Bob on the team for making me look good, since the only thing I had down was pizza delivery and removing layers (in this case the life jacket) FAST. And Geoff, thanks for taking the pics to remind us where we were last night.
-Is it Wrong that I want a Gutter Race Table in my Backyard, Bradley?